I am in Europe once again. Currently I am residing in Dendermonde, Belgium and having many adventures with Lut Verhas. I arrived yesterday at 945am after losing 6 hours from US East Coast time (the same 6 hours in which I usually sleep). So, yes, I was extremely tired and had an entire day ahead of me. Fun part of this trip is that I speak pretty much no Dutch at all so today while Lut is at work my excursions into the city are pretty entertaining. I get accosted by people making foreign noises at me and I have to smile, shrug, and pretty much walk away. Most of the time the people turn to others around them and comment on what I imagine to be a commentary of my weirdness. BUT today I ordered a sandwich and I dont think they had much of idea that I was foriegn and frightened. Yay! Matt-1 Belgium-17,698. And tonight I am goign to eat dinner at Lut´s grandma´s house. She is making us Belgian fries.
Im about to go grab my camera and walk around a bit playing the tourist role. At least people might think twice about saying something to me, wondering if I really speak their language or not. One last thing, right now I am watching the Disney Channel in Dutch and wow. It´s still not funny. More updates to come.
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